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Dnsmasq setup on centos 7

Configuring the server

Create a file /etc/dnsmasq.d/main.conf containing the following:

# ignore resolv.conf

# use google dns servers for internet lookups

# define localdomain, answers for this domain will come from /etc/hosts or static hosts files

# don't require FQDN for local domain hostnames

# in addition to entries in /etc/hosts
# read in all the files in this directory for hosts
# entries.  All such files should be in /etc/hosts format

Enabling and starting the service

systemctl enable dnsmasq.service
systemctl start  dnsmasq.service

Adding/editing a host

# create a one-liner file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/static
# with content ala a host file entry for that host
echo " foo.local foo" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/static/foo
# then sighup the dnsmasq process
systemctl kill -s HUP dnsmasq.service
# at this point you should be able to resolv 'foo'
dig foo

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29th Jul 2020